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15. Archibald Henderson, "A Postscript to an Earlier Article," Scripta Mathematica, 22 (March 1956), 81, 84.
16. Joseph Holzinger, "The Problem of the Angle Bisectors," The Mathematics Teacher, 56 (May 1963), 321-322.
17. L.M. Kelly, (Equal symmedians), Solution of problem E613, American Mathematical Monthly, 51 (Dec. 1944), 590-591.

19. Louis Leitner, Harold Grossman, and Joseph Lev. (Equal internal bisectors), Three solutions of problem 1283, School Science and Mathematics, 33 (October 1933), 781-783. 20. C.I. Lubin, "The Theorem of Lehmus and Complex Numbers," Scripta Mathematica, 24 (June 1959), 137-140.
21. David L. MacKay, "The Lehmus-Steiner Theorem," School Science and Mathematics, 39 (June 1939), 561-562.
22. David L. MacKay, "The Pseudo-Isosceles Triangle," School Srience and Mathematics, 40 (May 1940), 464-468.
23. Sharon Murnick, (Equal external bisectors), Solution of problem 34, The Pentagon, 13 (Fall 1953), 35-36.

25. H. Clark Overley, "The Internal Bisector Theorem," School Science and Mathematics, 64 (June 1964), 463-465.
26. Mary Payne, N.D. Lane, and Howard Eves, "The Generalized Steiner-Lehmus Problem," Three treatments of problem E863, American Mathematical Monthly, 57 (January 1950), 37-38.
27. F.A.C. Sevier, "A New Proof of an Old Theorem," The Mathematics Teacher, 45 (Feb. 1952), 121-122.
28. Victor Thebault, "On the isosceles triangle," American Mathematical Monthly, 45 (May 1938), 307-309.
29. Victor Thebault, Solution of problem E339, American Mathematical Monthly, 46 (May 1939), 298-299.
30. Victor Thebault, "Au sujet d'un cas d'egalite des triangles," L'Education Mathematique, 56e Anne, Mars 1954, No. 11, p. 81.
31. Victor Thebault, "Congruent triangles (fifth case) and the theorem of Lehmus," The Mathematics Teacher, 48 (Feb. 1955), 97-98.
32. Victor Thtsbault, "The Theorem of Lehmus," Scripta Mathematica, 22 (March 1956), 20.