Software Engineering Projects Fall 2014

A major component of the course is the development of a group software project. This semester I will serve as the principal client for some projects while I've lined up actual clients for other projects. There are six potential projects. If you have not done so, after you read about the projects then complete this survey by midnight, Wednesday, August 27, so you can be placed in a group and assigned to a project.

College of Engineering Financial Services

The client for this project is James Sandoval, Fiscal Manager for the College of Engineering. He has developed two paper/Excel forms that faculty and staff are using for purchases and new student hires. The desire is to move these to an online format. Your team would have to elicit more details as the client would like to explore possible options.

College of Engineering Capstone Project Repository

The client for this project is the College of Engineering. I can serve as the client. We would like a website that can serve as repository for capstone projects. For example, see UW's Environmental Sciences Website but with more interactivity and search options as in our Undergraduate Research Project Management System. It should have a way for students to submit their project with a poster or other files and have it authorized/edited by an administrator.

Alaska Medical Library

The Alaska Medical Library is located in the UAA Consortium library. Past CSCE A401 students worked on fixing/adding features and this past summer a group of students worked on moving it to a new database, as the old version became too messy to update. Information about the original system is in this document and the report for the students working over the summer is in this zip and a presentation in this video. The database is in Access.

UAA Human Resources Web Projects

UAA's Human Resources Department is interested in an online version of their annual Disclosure of Outside Employment form. The project would include some type of approval from the supervisor, perhaps by UA login.

Additionally, HR is interested in an online Family Medical Leave tracking database. Participants could submit info online which would notify HR, send forms to the participant, send email notifications based on federal rules, etc. Requirements will need to be elicited from HR. I have lumped these two HR projects together because it seems on the face of it that the outside employment project would be pretty small, but this can be adjusted during the requirements/user story phase.

Eye Tracking Game

To help recruit students and generate interest in eye tracking, the task would be to develop a simple yet fun game that could go into the glass display case outside NSB 204 (I had an eye-tracking password entry program in there earlier). I have an Eye Tribe and Tobii EyeX that you can use. I would serve as the client.

Vehicle Tracking on Map

I have a project with the Muni to track freight vehicles using some arduino-based system that will periodically transmit GPS coordinates to a server. We would like a map-based server to display the vehicle location in real-time along with some summary statistics. In this project the emphasis is on the server development.