Fish GA Notes Problem: a few fueling stations a lot of fish stations can travel fixed maximum distance from each fueling station without hitting another refueling station what is the shortest distance i can visit all fish sites in? fixed start and finish points at a given fueling stations Observations: A solution doesn't have a fixed number of stops Algorithm Ideas: Algorithm 1 - Insert Fuel Later - the chromosome consists only of the order of fish sites - the fitness function is where fueling is first taken into account - need a separate algorithm to add in fuel stations optimally - one idea for this algorithm consists of mapping all possibilities of reaching the next 'n' fish stations, it uses the optimal one to choose the path to the next fish station -can get to a same or better state in less distance - keep it Algorithm 2 - Simple List Stops - include refueling stations in algorithm, eliminate impossible solutions - BAD different size chromosomes - go through and fix the chromosome (kind of like adding later) - would need a fixing algorithm Algorithm 3 - Leave Blank Spaces - chromosome alternates fish spaces and fuel spaces - each space value can be filled with any valid station OR a BLANK station - fish spaces still cant repeat, but fuel spaces can! Algorithm 4 - Separate GA's - two separate chromosomes evolving separately and put together in order to measure fitness Algorithm 5 - Non Obvious Chromosome - have a binary chromosome or something that represents ONLY possible solutions - think of a tree of possibilities - state space (at a given stop with a given amnt of fuel) -should I look for other research done? Ideally yes, realistically in two weeks - no : ( -get something implemented at least